How to Format a PC and Install Windows XP SP3
Your Windows XP PC is corrupted and you want to format your Windows XP or you want to install a fresh copy of Windows XP with Service Pack 3 and you do not know how to do this or you don't want to do any mistake during formatting, then follow these simple steps.
* *Get Windows XP installation CD*. You usually get it with your pc, if you buy windows. If you don't have, Buy a CD from Microsoft. You will need the key for installation.
* 2*Start your pc and press key F2, F12 or delete key (Depends on your PC model)*. Your PC Bios settings will be displayed. Find boot menu. In boot device priority select CD-ROM as first boot device.
* 3*Insert your Windows XP cd and restart your pc*. Your pc will boot from CD and windows installation will start. Press enter at this screen.
* 4*Accept License agreement by pressing F8 key*.
* 5*Select hard drive partition for installation of XP*.
* 6*If you want, you may create separate partition at this screen by pressing 'C' key and defining the size of partition*.
* 7*Now select your desired partition for installation of Windows XP and press enter*.
* 8*Choose to format the partition*. Choose NTFS quick.
* 9*Setup will format the partition*.
* 10*After formatting, Setup will start copying files on to the hard disk*.
* 11*After copying of files, setup will start installing Windows*. You can see the progress in the progress bar on left pane.
* 12*Select desired language and regional settings, when prompted by setup*.
* 13*Enter windows key*. This usually comes with windows installation disk, written behind the pack. You can also buy a key online from microsoft.
* 14*Type a name for your computer*. If you need, you can also type a password to login or else you can leave it empty.
* 15*Select time and date settings and time zone according to your country*.
* 16*Provide network settings for networking pc's or select typical settings and press enter
* 17*Setup will install devices and register components*.
* 18*After completion setup will do a cleanup of files and will restart your pc automatically*. At this stage you can remove CD from drive.
* 19*Click ok, When windows prompt you to improve your screen*
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